First fishing trip

Elder Sheffield came back to Fiji with his parents and brother last week. He went home to Utah the first of may. They called us to find out where to snorkel. The sisters were with us and we happened to run into each other.

This large yacht was in the bay. The owners are coming into Savusavu on a small Boat.There are many boats now in Savusavu port. And many white people in town!

Sister Gand and family are showing us how to dig kasava on their farm.

President Uluiviti and the boat owner.

Fishing trip

Beautiful views

Dan reeling in his fish. He caught it trolling.

Dan with the fish

Sister Wahlstrom putting bait on her line. She had wrapped line around a lotion tube. Way to improvise sisters! 

Sisters fishing on the dock.


Secondary school Rugby fans!!

It was so loud sitting by these girls! We finally ended up moving. My ears rang all night.

I’m assuming that these ladies teach at the school and were there supervising. They were entertaining everyone.

Sister Wala showing us how to open a coconut.

Pealing the outer shell from the coconut 

Me scrapping/shredding the coconut 


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