Slow week

Pudding cake was interesting! Everything was going great until I realized that I hadn’t switched the dial on the countertop oven to bake instead of broil. We need up putting foil on top of it and cooking it another 15 minutes. It didn’t burn! Yay! And it tasted pretty good!

We bought these passion fruit at the market this week. There was a cute 11 year old girl there with her mom, her friend and friends mom. They were from Tacoma WA. They were sailing from New Zealand where they had got on their boat. They were looking at the passsion fruit and I asked her if they were good. She told us all about the passion fruit and their trip. Her mom said that she is a chatty Kathy all the time. She was fun.

This is Eileen’s daughter and Eileen’s brothers.

Received this cute birthday card from the Iona 10th Ward RS. 

On the road again!!!

Warming up for Basketball with all Vanua Levu missionaries! Combined P-day. We had a good time! 

VB match. I am the one getting hit in the head. I have lost most of my skills! It was fun though.

This is the reigning Secondary school team! The are pretty good!

Rugby crazies at half time. Crazies is an understatement.


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